One Ocean Foundation is part of the project “Enhancing social well-being and economic prosperity by reinforcing the eFFECTIVEness of protection and restoration management in Mediterranean MPAs” funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme, in the framework of the actions for the implementation of the “Mission Restore our ocean and waters by 2030”.
The EFFECTIVE project’s main objective is to develop a comprehensive scientific knowledge base and practical guidance, combining science, technological nature-based solution, digitalization, and social implication for the application of the Ecosystem-Based management system (EBMS) to the protection and restoration of the EU’s Mediterranean Blue Natural Capital.
In order to achieve its goals, the project involves innovative approaches to marine ecosystem restoration, using various observation and monitoring scales, with an integrated approach emphasising governance, participation, and social engagement, and ensuring that all stakeholders play a part in safeguarding the common natural and socioeconomic links.
The project foresees the implementation of the EBMS in four pilot areas, which include Mar de l'Empordà and Ebro Delta in Spain, Sardinia Septentrional in Italy and Cavo Greco in Cyprus.
One Ocean Foundation contributes to the project, along with other 21 partners from 12 European countries, mainly supporting the implementation of the EBMS in the pilot area of Sardinia Septentrional, taking advantage of its in-depth knowledge of the context and of the local stakeholders, acquired also through the scientific research activities conducted in the Caprera Canyon, in North-East of Sardinia, since 2019.