The freediving world champion joins the supporters of the Foundation’s mission. Chiara Obino, 44, dentist and mother of 2, is among the five women in the world who have reached 100 meters underwater.
During her career she has achieved 3 world records and 9 Italian records, won a Gold, a Silver and a Bronze World medal, 8 Italian Titles and was awarded the Gold Medal for sporting value at CONI. Chiara made her debut in her new role as ambassador at the One Ocean Summit Young held in Milan on November 22nd, where she took the stage involving young students from high schools in Milan in a motivational speech.Of her decision to become a One Ocean Foundation ambassador she says “I particularly appreciate the attention paid to dissemination to the new generations, and the existence of an internal scientific committee to guarantee their value. Carrying out a contemporary work on research, elaboration of scientific contents and mass dissemination is a grandly ambitious project and being part of it is an absolute privilege “
Always driven by a strong passion for the sea, Chiara wishes to be an example for all the new generations and underlines the importance of engaging the new generations to the preservation of the oceans becoming protagonists of change.