The report "Ocean – Nutrition, Sustainability, Technology" examines the crucial role of the ocean in addressing one of the greatest challenges of our time: enhancing the resilience of our food systems in a sustainable way.
The first chapters of the report represent the intricate complexity of its ecosystems and the vital connection between ocean health and the survival of our planet and humanity. Our analysis begins by exploring the tangible and intangible benefits the ocean provides, as well as the numerous pressures it faces due to human activities, both directly and indirectly from land-based industries.
The next chapters focus on the ocean-food relationship, developing an in-depth examination of three industrial sectors: agriculture, fishing, and aquaculture. For each of these sectors, the pressures exerted on the ocean are first explored (from plastic pollution to contamination, from greenhouse gas emissions to eutrophication), according to a classification defined by the European Commission in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The report then highlights the solutions and technological innovations that provide a concrete and commercially available response to alleviate and mitigate the identified pressures, aiming to achieve a balance that ensures the long-term sustainable exploitation of marine resources.
The report concludes with an examination of the technologies that enable a transformation towards Industry 4.0 across all possible adoption sectors: Internet of Underwater Things, Digital Twins, AI, robotics, autonomous vehicles, and Blockchain.