One Ocean Foundation is proud to announce the release of a new scientific article published on Marine Pollution Bulletin Journal: “Zooplankton as an indicator of the status of contamination of the Mediterranean Sea and temporal trends”. A comprehensive study on the Mediterranean Sea contamination status based on the analysis of zooplankton samples collected during the M.A.R.E. Project along the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Zooplankton, being bioindicator organisms, can offer valuable insights into sea pollution levels since they absorb different substances present in the water. In particular, our analysis revealed that the presence of persistent organic pollutants such as DDT and PCBs in the Mediterranean biota water is decreasing but still widespread, despite being banned since the mid-1970s.
One Ocean Foundation is the scientific partner of M.A.R.E. Project, an initiative led by Centro Velico Caprera at its third edition. Data and samplings have been analysed at University of Insubria.
Read more about our findings and stay tuned for more results to come!